Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reasons for going to your Idaho Falls dentist for teeth whitening

You can always go to the store to purchase teeth whitening products and do the procedure at home. However, if you want a professional job with it, you better go straight to your trusted Idaho Falls dentist and have your teeth whitened by someone who knows the job from A to Z.

There are benefits for having your cosmetic dentist do the teeth whitening for you. These include:

·         Your dentist often uses better products than those available in stores. He also knows best how to use them.
·         Your dentist has the proper dental equipment to use for the teeth whitening treatment that will ensure a more complete job than you can do by yourself. For example, the best teeth whitening procedure requires the right tools for bleaching and whitening discolored teeth.
·         The customized whitening trays that your dentist gives you are made just for you and designed for your absolute comfort when you wear them.
·         Your dentist can identify other dental care needs that you may have and can arrange for another visit to help you maintain good dental health.
·         Your dentist can give you the proper aftercare instructions which you can do at home to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist is a dental professional with years of training in providing dental health care, which he will use for administering dental treatments and procedures to patients. If you want your teeth to have to have a teeth whitening treatment done by a professional, see your Premier Dental Care dentist in Idaho Falls today and enjoy whiter, healthier-looking teeth.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pros and cons of using dental devices for management of sleep apnea in Idaho Falls

Oral devices, also called dental appliances or devices, is a medical option for patients who cannot tolerate CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). These dental devices are recommended for patients with mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea who have not used C-PAP therapy.

Mandibular advancement device (MAD) and Tongue retraining device (TRD) are examples of oral devices used to manage sleep apnea. Only trained dental professionals like your Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls dentist should fit such devices.

Benefits of Dental Devices:

·         Significant reduction in apnea episodes for those with mild-to-moderate apnea, especially if patients sleep either supine (on their backs) or prone (stomachs).
·         Improved sleep for many patients.
·         Improved and reduced frequency of snoring as well as loudness of snoring in most patients.
·         Dental devices are proven to have better long-term control of sleep apnea when compared to the standard surgical treatment.
·         Only a few complications with a dental device.

Disadvantages of using dental devices:

·         Dental devices are not as effective as C-PAP therapy.
·         The cost of these devices tends to be high.
·         Nighttime pain, dry lips, tooth discomfort, and excessive salivation.
·         Permanent changes in the position of the teeth or jaw have occurred in some cases of long-term use.
·         In some rare cases, the treatment may worsen apnea.

If you want to know about sleep apnea and how to seek treatment, Dr. Tom Anderson of Premier Dental Care offers diagnosis and treatment for sleep apnea. Your trusted Idaho Falls dentist is trained in the area of sleep apnea and can provide help in managing the disorder. Call today for a free consultation.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sedation dentistry in Idaho Falls: Is it safe for me?

Sedation dentistry is a procedure that involves the use of sedatives as an option for patients who have difficulty in coping with their fear and anxiety of dental procedures. Your Idaho Falls dentist at Premier Dental care is also a sedation dentist with professional training in administering sedation dentistry.

Your trusted sedation dentist in Idaho Falls may use different levels of sedation to help you handle your dental anxiety:

  • Minimal sedation. With minimal sedation, you will experience a reduced anxiety but adequately conscious to respond to physical and verbal stimuli.
  • Moderate sedation. When moderate sedation is administered, you will feel even more relaxed but can still respond to stronger stimuli in your surroundings.
  • Deep sedation. With deep sedation, you will be placed in a state of unconsciousness when you are no longer aware of anything around you.
Dental anxieties vary from person to person. Oral sedation dentistry is commonly preferred and offers flexibility in managing different intensity levels of dental fears. Before your appointment, your Idaho Falls sedation dentist may prescribe some oral sedatives to help you sleep restfully and keep you relaxed on the treatment day. This method is best for people with an aversion to needles.

Twilight dentistry, which is an alternate name for sedation dentistry, is a completely safe and medically approved option in providing dental care to people who may otherwise choose to avoid this need. Sedation dentistry is practiced by dental health professionals all over the world.

At Premier Dental Care, we make sure your dental anxieties do not get in the way of your having healthy teeth and a wonderful smile. Call today and make an appointment for a pain-free experience with your Idaho Falls sedation dentist.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Porcelain veneers: A great option for a smile makeover in Idaho Falls

Because everyone deserves a great smile, porcelain veneers have become an excellent choice for smile makeovers. These dental veneers are the perfect answer to various teeth problems that require restoration procedures without being invasive. Porcelain veneers are laminates attached to the front surface of the teeth for cosmetic purposes, including treatment for the following dental cases:

  1. Severely discolored or badly stained teeth. Porcelain veneers are used to hide the stain on your teeth to give you a sparkling smile.
  2. Chipped or broken teeth. Teeth that have been damaged by chewing on hard items or those that have suffered a hard blow can be fixed by cosmetic dentistry using porcelain veneers that match the color of your natural teeth.
  3. Gaps or spaces between the teeth. Dental veneers can be used to fill the gaps or spaces between your teeth to produce a perfectly even set of teeth when you smile.
  4. Slightly misaligned teeth.  By using porcelain veneers, slight misalignments in your teeth can be corrected without resorting to braces or surgical procedures.
If you want to know more about porcelain veneers and how the procedure can solve your teeth problems, contact your trusted Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist at Premier Dental Care for a free consultation. A natural-looking teeth and a sparkling smile is just a phone call away.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is it important to visit a dentist in Idaho Falls before making an appointment?

Do you need to see a dentist? Are you looking for a reputable dentist near your home in Idaho Falls? An online search for the nearest dentist is easy but finding a reliable dentist to provide your dental care needs is another story. With the growing number of dentists practicing dentistry in your area, finding the right one can be a challenge, especially if you are new in your locality.

If you have recently moved to your new location and you need to see a dentist, your first option is to ask your neighbors for a recommendation. They have, no doubt, visited a dentist nearby at a time or know someone who is worthy of endorsement. Word usually gets around about a good dental practitioner with satisfied customers to vouch for the quality of service.

Your next option would be to check online for a good dentist in your vicinity. You can do this by referring to dentist reviews and clients’ feedbacks. You can make a shortlist of the ones who have the best reviews.

In both options, keep in mind that there is no substitute for an actual visit to your chosen dental practice. Check the place and look for things that will give you important hints of a dentist’s skill such as training certificates, awards, and recognitions. Ask clients who are present about their experience with the dentist. Most importantly, converse with the dentist and get a feel of his personality. As a new patient, these measures will improve your chances of finding a dentist who will be your trusted dental care professional for your dental health needs.

Dr. Tom Anderson is a trusted dentist in Idaho Falls with years of extensive dental care experience. Make an appointment today as a new patient and find out why Premier Dental Care is highly recommended by many satisfied customers.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What to look for in dental reviews

Dentist reviews are feedbacks from actual clients. They are an excellent tool for finding the right dentist in Idaho Falls when you need one who can provide solutions to your dental care needs. It is important to go to an experienced dentist who will not only perform the dental treatments on your teeth but also one whom you can trust and become comfortable with.

There are many skilled dentists around, but a good dentist is one that also listens to his patients and helps them feel at ease while on the dentist’s chair. In dental reviews, you can read what others have to say about the personality of a dentist, and how caring and accommodating the staff are.  You may read reviews about whether or not they see patients in a dental emergency, or if someone had to wait a long time to be seen. Even negative reviews can be helpful to your search for a good dentist. You can read about negative experiences of other patients, and read how these comments are handled by the dentist and dental practice concerned.

Dental reviews can tell you a great deal about a dentist in Idaho Falls, the quality of dental service, and the staff. Look for dental reviews that talk about friendly and caring personnel. Everybody wants a skilled and personable dentist who is trusted by clients. 

Dr. Tom Anderson has served in the Idaho Falls area since 1989, giving competent and caring dental services to satisfied clients. Make your appointment today and find out how true the excellent dentist reviews are for Premier Dental Care.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is the Six Month Smiles treatment right for me?

You may have heard about Six Month Smiles but might want further enlightenment on the subject. Here are some questions – and their answers – to guide you in your quest for a gorgeous smile.

Q: How can my crooked teeth be straightened in just six months?
A: The Six Month Smiles orthodontic treatment utilizes innovative technology and techniques in cosmetic dentistry to reposition your teeth safely and effectively. This approach uses tooth-colored nickel-titanium wires with the primary focus of moving the teeth that show when you smile.

Q: Are Six Month Smiles braces more comfortable than regular braces?
A: Definitely. Six Month Smiles braces use low force to move teeth more gently and comfortably. The accelerated treatment is not simply tightening the braces to adjust the teeth. Six Month Smiles treatment uses standard orthodontic mechanics, but it focuses on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth rather than the position of your bite.

Q: Will Six Month Smiles braces cause damage to my teeth, roots, or gums?
A: No. Six Month Smiles use lighter force to move your teeth and there are actually even fewer risks involved with Six Month Smiles treatment when it comes to the health of your teeth, roots and gums.

These are just few of the questions you may ask about the Six Months Smiles orthodontic treatment, but your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist can provide more complete information on what you need to know about the procedure. Visit Premier Dental Care and see your dentist for a free consultation today.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Which type of dental crown is perfect for me?

Dental crowns are used as dental treatment to restore teeth that have large cavities, are broken or chipped, and for cosmetic dental purposes. Your Idaho Falls dentist is the best source of information when it comes to the different types of dental crowns and which type is right for you.

·         Porcelain crowns (all porcelain). This type of dental crown is made from pure porcelain and is the best option for a natural-looking color of your teeth. This makes your crown barely noticeable for others to tell the difference. Porcelain crowns are best recommended to be used on the front teeth for maximum cosmetic benefits.

·         Ceramic crowns. Ceramic crowns are used to strengthen teeth that have been weakened by decay. These are sometimes used on the front teeth an alternative to the all-porcelain variety. Ceramic crowns are more preferred over metal crowns for cosmetic reasons as they offer a natural color advantage.

·         Porcelain fused to metal. This type of teeth crowns offer excellent strength compared to the first two types. This type, however, does not provide the same cosmetic benefits of the other two. The porcelain or ceramic portion of the crown may also have a tendency to separate from the metal. This type can be used for the front and back teeth.

·         Metal crowns. Metal crowns are the ideal choice for out-of-sight molars at the back of the mouth. This type of dental crowns provide superior strength and are best for biting and chewing. In addition, metal crowns last longer than the other types.

Dr. Tom Anderson, your trusted Idaho Falls dentist, can provide you with free one-on-one consultation about dental crowns. Visit Premier Dental Care today and find out the ways dental crowns can benefit you.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is there a difference between Six Month Smiles and traditional orthodontic correction?

Traditional orthodontic correction procedures use metal braces to align your teeth, which takes about two years to complete. On the other hand, Six Month Smiles dental treatment can achieve the best results in just six months. This is done by focusing only on the teeth that show when you smile for cosmetic purposes rather than correcting bite positioning.

As with regular braces, Six Month Smiles also involve the use of brackets and wires to align your teeth. The difference is simply in that with Six Month Smiles, the clear braces and nickel-titanium wires used match the color of your teeth, making them almost impossible to notice. It also uses custom-fabricated trays that help your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist to position the brackets more precisely.

These trays, which are crafted from your teeth moulds, are then fitted with clear brackets in the right position. The Six Month Smile technique allows your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist to use the appropriate tooth-colored wires that are needed to create the low force required to move your teeth to where they should be.

Six Months Smiles dental treatment at Premier Dental Care is guaranteed to give you results beyond your expectations in six months time. Consult your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, Dr. Tom Anderson, and find out how a winning smile can make you feel more confident.