Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stress Reduction with sedation dentistry in Idaho Falls

Sedation dentistry offers a variety of benefits – the most common being the healthy alternative for people (three out of ten adult Americans) who are afraid of a dentist’s tools. This medical procedure offers huge relief to this group of people who are concerned of their dental health but are fearful of undergoing dental treatments. Your Idaho Falls dentist is also a sedation dentist who can provide help with your dental anxieties.

The key benefit of sedation dentistry is the management of dental anxiety. To be able to deal with patients’ fears, sedation dentists have to be skilled not only in dental science but also in recognizing psychological signs of the condition. Visible physical symptoms of dental anxiety include tense muscles, sweating, trembling, and headaches among others. Being able to keep these signs at a minimum will allow your gentle Idaho Falls sedation dentist to concentrate on the dental procedure.

Patient’s movement can also be minimized with the help of sedation dentistry. When dealing with children, sedation dentists have their prepared methods before resorting to deep sedation procedures. The task of controlling movement, however, is more difficult with adults because they cannot be sidetracked with toys or some other diversionary techniques.

Dentists and their clients can avail of the wonders of sedation dentistry which make it possible for reliable dental work to be administered and received. For your Idaho Falls sedation dentist, it means a complete and dependable dental practice. For you, it’s all about a healthy, radiant smile without the pain.

See your trusted sedation dentist at Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls and make an anxiety-free appointment today.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to spot a good cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls

The number of dentists offering cosmetic dentistry in Idaho Falls is up and growing, and with a variety of dental procedures and treatments available, your choice for the right cosmetic dentist can be overwhelming. Cosmetic dentists need to be skilled in the artistic dimension of the profession when working on crowns, veneers, and bridges with the aim of improving a client’s appearance. There are ways to verify if a cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls is what you are looking for.
  • When searching online, you can check out a dentist’s portfolio. You can also check client reviews, especially from people you know or expect to be reliable. You need to exercise discretion, though, with portfolios made available on the Internet as these could be susceptible to fraudulent intentions.
  • A good cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls explains to potential clients with brochures detailing the procedures involved and how much it will cost them in a straightforward manner. Dentists who appear unclear and evasive about costs could be among those who charge additional fees in case of complications.
  • Cosmetic dentists of good reputation usually have their diplomas and training certificates up on their office or clinic walls. They are quick to provide prospective clients with references and phone numbers of their satisfied and regular customers.
  • Cosmetic dentists who are well advertised are not necessarily the best ones you should go to. Those who truly excel in providing dental care to customer satisfaction usually have no need for expensive ads and only have time for their long list of client appointments.
Dr. Tom Anderson is your reliable cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls area, providing general, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry since 1989. Call Premier Dental Care today for a cosmetic dental treatment that will give you the smile makeover you have always wanted.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What you should know about having dental crowns in Idaho Falls

Our teeth can affect our lives in more ways than we sometimes think. This is particularly true when it comes to how we look. A person with great looking teeth normally has greater confidence than someone who is not as fortunate. Cosmetic dentistry plays a major role in ensuring that everyone enjoys life more fully with good teeth and a bright smile. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist is available to offer all the help you may need to gain that confidence.

What possible problems will I have with my dental crowns?
It is normal at first to experience some discomfort with your new crowns, but you will soon get used to it. Most often, the tooth with its new crown may still have a nerve, which causes you to become sensitive to both cold and heat in your mouth. Your dentist may recommend using toothpaste for sensitive teeth. If you experience pain or discomfort when you bite or chew, this could mean the crown is not properly aligned with your teeth and you need to see your dentist at once to have the problem fixed. A regular visit to your Idaho Falls dentist can be helpful when it comes to checking and maintaining your dental crowns.

How long does a dental crown last?
The type of material used for your dental crowns and how you use them largely influences how long they last. Proper dental and oral hygiene extends the life of your crowns. Practices or habits that should be avoided include grinding your teeth, chewing on hard foods, or biting on hard objects such as packaging. Taking care of your dental crowns can make you enjoy them longer and get the benefits they offer.

Dental crowns can do wonders to improve your confidence and give you reasons to enjoy life – reasons that everyone deserves. Your trusted Idaho Falls dentist at Premier Dental Care is ready to assist you with your needs toward a more complete and better life with dental crowns.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Options to fix your crooked teeth in Idaho Falls

Everybody deserves a great smile. Crooked teeth, however, can make people feel less confident when smiling. In addition, crooked teeth can be the source of dental and physical health issues for people with this dilemma. Your trusted cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls offers effective ways to fix your teeth and give you the smile makeover to make you enjoy life better.

Fixed braces
The most conventional option for fixing crooked teeth is adult braces, which involves connective wires. This is the most visible type and takes nine months or more to produce good results. Your teeth needs to be always clean in order prevent tooth decay that usually starts where brackets are attached. Your cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls can teach you the proper ways of cleaning your teeth.

Six-month smile
Have you heard about six-month smiles? It is a type of cosmetic dental treatment consisting of wires and brackets with the same color as your teeth. Nickel wires are used to adjust the teeth that show when you smile, making them properly positioned and even. Normally, full results will be achieved in six months; hence, a six-month smile.

Invisalign is another option of cosmetic dental procedure to fix your teeth. A series of removable clear braces help to align your teeth and which are progressively adjusted as your teeth shift into the right place. Instead of using wires or metal, this treatment uses custom-made aligners for two weeks at a time, which slowly move the teeth into position. An even-looking teeth can be completed in about 3 to 18 months.

Your cosmetic dentist can use these options to fix your crooked teeth and give you more reasons to smile. Visit Premier Dental Care today for a consultation and appointment with your friendly Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How a sedation dentist in Idaho Falls can help with dental anxiety

Sedation dentistry is authorized and practiced only by a few dental professionals called sedation dentists who had undergone all the education and training required for this applied science. Your reliable sedation dentist in Idaho Falls uses approved sedatives and medications to ensure an anxiety-free dental procedure during your treatment. There are different levels of sedation that your sedation dentist may use to help you cope with any dental anxiety you may have.

1. Minimal sedation. Light sedation is usually adequate if you are going through some minor procedure such as fillings and routine cleaning but are worried about pain. Your sedation dentist helps you to relax and calm your mind while being fully conscious with normal responses.

2. Moderate sedation. With moderate sedation, you will remain completely relaxed and comfortable for the entire visit, feeling nothing. Your sedation dentist will put you in a deep and relaxed state but not unconscious while the dental procedure is administered. This level of sedation is sometimes called “twilight sedation.”

3. Deep sedation. This is often the intermediate state between conscious sedation and unconsciousness. At this level of dental sedation, you will not be able to respond to any stimulation and may require breathing assistance.

At Premier Dental Care, you are assured that you are dealing with a skilled and experienced professional with a competent staff who will guarantee your complete comfort. Call or visit your Idaho Falls sedation dentist for a consultation and appointment.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How Teeth Whitening Can Enhance Your Smile

Do you know that teeth whitening has amazingly made the smiles of many people more beautiful? This can happen to you, too, in Idaho Falls.  Whitening your teeth can give you back a sense of energy, vibrancy and newness.   Your Idaho Falls dentists can take years off your smile quickly through teeth whitening.

So what exactly is teeth whitening and how can it enhance your smile?

Laser teeth whitening involves the use of a light-activated gel to make your teeth whiter. Instead of laser, an LED light is actually used to speed up the action of the whitening agents. As soon as this treatment is completed, your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist will remove the bleaching gel. Using a shade guide, he will check the color difference. You can expect your teeth to be several shades lighter than before the treatment. When you see your teeth for yourself, you will realize that a whiter smile makes you look younger and healthier.

Your Idaho Falls dentist can also give valuable advice on the use of professional home whitening kits. These kits are made by taking a mold of your teeth. You can use these trays with the professional bleaching gel and determine the frequency of your treatments by your desired look.

Teeth whitening may not be suitable for everyone. If you have a gum disease or other serious dental health concerns, teeth whitening may not be recommended for you. You also need professional assistance so that your whitened teeth match the color of your crowns, fillings or veneers, if you have any. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist can give you professional advice on whether teeth whitening is the best treatment for you. Visit your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist to know more about teeth whitening.

What porcelain veneers can do for your smile in Idaho Falls

In Idaho Falls,  porcelain veneers are enhancing people's smiles, and consequently, their radiant smiles have made them feel better about themselves.  Porcelain veneers are laminates attached to the front surface of the teeth for cosmetic purposes.

Porcelain veneers are made of a high-tech, incredibly strong ceramic that is very resistant to staining, much like glass. Porcelain veneers exhibit exceptional strength, and may last up to 30 years.

How do porcelain veneers work for specific dental problems: 
Porcelain veneers for perfect smiles at Premier Dental Care
Porcelain veneers can hide the stain on severely discolored or badly stained or teeth to give you a sparkling smile.

Porcelain veneers that mimic the color of your natural teeth can fix chipped or broken teeth – teeth that have been damaged by chewing on hard food items.

Porcelain veneers can be used to fill the gaps between the teeth – that will result in a perfectly even set of teeth for a great smile makeover.

Slightly misaligned teeth – with porcelain veneers, slight misalignments in the teeth can be corrected without resorting to braces or surgical means.

Your cosmetic dentist at Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls  can help determine if porcelain veneers are the right solution for you. For a perfect smile makeover, visit your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentists and see the great difference a radiant smile will make in your life.

Why you need an implant dentist in Idaho Falls

Implant dentistry can offer a variety of benefits to people who have problems with missing one or more teeth. Wearing dentures over an extended period can cause facial deformation of some kind and eventually make it difficult for you to be fitted with new ones. Your trusted implant dentist in Idaho Falls would be more than happy to discuss with you the advantages of dental implants and what it can do to make your life better.

Dental implants use the superior properties of titanium steel in its process. This modern technology in implant dentistry can help you have teeth that look, feel, and act like your original teeth. Dental implants are your best alternative to dentures, not only for having a natural-looking full set of teeth but also for having your radiant smile back.

Here is the rest of what dental implants can do for you:
·         Substitute one or more of your missing teeth, which you can use like your real teeth.
·         These teeth substitutes do not affect your other natural teeth.
·         Because dental implants are integrated into your jawbone, they permanently hold bridges in place.

Is it painful to have dental implants? If you worry about pain when you have your dental implants, your cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls can assure you of a comfortable, pain-free experience by providing you choices of sedation to help you relax and make the procedure quick and easy.

Your implant dentist can discuss with you everything you need to know about dental implants and how you can avail of its benefits. Call Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls to set an appointment with your dentist.

Radiant smiles in Idaho Falls with tooth bonding

Tooth bonding or dental bonding is one of the modern solutions in cosmetic dentistry today. Its purpose is to give you a smile makeover guaranteed to increase your self-esteem and boost your confidence. It is important to improve the appearance of your teeth to achieve a great smile. This type of dental treatment is available in Idaho Falls and offered by your trusted cosmetic dentist.

Dental bonding consists of a composite resin filling placed in the back and front sides of your teeth to restore its original appearance. This cosmetic dental procedure is used to correct a variety of tooth imperfections including tooth discolorations, to restore decayed tooth, to change the tooth shape, and even to close minor tooth gaps. It is one of the easiest and most affordable cosmetic dental procedures, making tooth bonding a widely-preferred option in cosmetic dentistry.

Typically, dental bonding can last for several years, depending on how you use and take care of your teeth. The best way to maintain your healthy teeth and smile is to observe proper hygiene by visiting your Idaho Falls dentist and have your teeth cleaned every six months. You also need to stay away from carbonated drinks, staining liquids like coffee and tea, and abrasive toothpastes that may damage your dental bonding.

At Premier Dental Care, we strive to give you a reason to flash your radiant smile. Call us for appointment or visit us for a consultation with your trusted Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist.