Sunday, October 9, 2011

Four ways porcelain veneers can enhance smiles in Idaho Falls

Porcelain veneers, also called teeth or dental veneers, are a wonderful solution to cosmetically restore teeth that are stained, chipped, or slightly misaligned. By attaching a porcelain laminate on the surface of the tooth, your trusted Idaho Falls dentist can provide customers like you with bright, even, and natural-looking smiles. Here are the ways how:

1.       Discolored or stained teeth. Your teeth can become discolored by the root canal treatments that you may have had, or they can be stained by the medications you use.  If you smoke, you can expect that the nicotine in the cigarettes can cause tooth discoloration.

2.       Chipped, worn down, or damaged teeth.  The older you get, the more brittle your teeth become. Teeth may be chipped, broken, or damaged by chewing on hard food items. An injury to your teeth may also be caused by an accident.

3.       Teeth that are slightly misaligned.  These unevenly shaped or irregularly formed teeth cause not only discomfort but also embarrassment. If your teeth are not severely misaligned, porcelain veneers can be attached onto the front surface of the teeth which will make your teeth appear straight and evenly aligned.

4.       Teeth gaps. Having gaps or spaces between your teeth can be embarrassing when you smile, although they do not necessarily cause physical problems. It is important to be confident with your smile, and teeth veneers are a great way to fix this uncomfortable teeth problem.

If you have any of the teeth problems mentioned above, you can take the first step toward finding a solution to have your teeth fixed and enhance your smile. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist can help you realize your dream of having a confident smile and the reason to smile more often. Your Premier Dental Care dentist and his dental team will be more than happy to answer your questions.

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