Your trusted sedation dentist in Idaho Falls may use different levels of sedation to help you handle your dental anxiety:
- Minimal sedation. With minimal sedation, you will experience a reduced anxiety but adequately conscious to respond to physical and verbal stimuli.
- Moderate sedation. When moderate sedation is administered, you will feel even more relaxed but can still respond to stronger stimuli in your surroundings.
- Deep sedation. With deep sedation, you will be placed in a state of unconsciousness when you are no longer aware of anything around you.
Dental anxieties vary from person to person. Oral sedation dentistry is commonly preferred and offers flexibility in managing different intensity levels of dental fears. Before your appointment, your Idaho Falls sedation dentist may prescribe some oral sedatives to help you sleep restfully and keep you relaxed on the treatment day. This method is best for people with an aversion to needles.
Twilight dentistry, which is an alternate name for sedation dentistry, is a completely safe and medically approved option in providing dental care to people who may otherwise choose to avoid this need. Sedation dentistry is practiced by dental health professionals all over the world.
At Premier Dental Care, we make sure your dental anxieties do not get in the way of your having healthy teeth and a wonderful smile. Call today and make an appointment for a pain-free experience with your Idaho Falls sedation dentist.
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